Wednesday, June 9, 2010


All I can think of this morning is that there seems to be quite a lot of emphasis placed on learning from the mistakes of others ... studying history, being observant, finding connections and the like.

But the only kind of mistake-learning I can figure as being worth much is the willingness to learn from our own mistakes ... the other stuff is all eyewash and diplomas by comparison.

A press release seeking donations for a Zen monastery project came in email yesterday. Its efforts included the phrase, "Mysteriously, the Dharma arranged for...."

The fact that there are those who lap that stuff up the way a dog licks a plate covered in beef gravy is no excuse in my book. Those who concoct such words have a hundred tasty and delightfully-eerie excuses, but beef gravy laced with ground glass is still fatal.

I too have lapped up such shit. I too have served such shit.

And what have I learned?

Shame is the tasty result for me.


  1. I thought the same thing when I saw that. I guess "as luck would have it" didn't sound spiritual enough.

  2. The "dharma arranged"? Now that's some serious "words becoming flesh"! I find myself wanting to spout teen-agery acronyms: OMG, WTF, ROFL!!!

  3. So you are not a teen-agery anymore. But how do you know you are an adult? I personally can't confirm anything or de-confirm it. It is a matter of courage to challenge the fact, there is noone out there and for the first time do things alone. This is me. The sanga is comforing, but it is not the dharma, it is a property of samsara itself.

  4. Genkaku, aren't you ashamed of your present doings? Writing this, for example...

  5. Not ashamed enough to post anonymously. :)
