Monday, April 11, 2011

delighted to grind my teeth

Today, I am a homework assignment. A college student plans to come by and interview me about Buddhism and then write a paper. It is the kind of thing I like -- helping people out -- and the kind of thing I hate -- what can I say that amounts to much more than jibber-jabber? I dislike the idea of pretending that Buddhism can mean much on a page or out of the mouth and yet, well, what's the alternative? Some people actually believe that stuff ... oh ick! And yet the only way out of the ick is into it. Double ick!

But I will do it. It's good training for me. I will do the ask-and-answer thing and try to keep my gnashing little gnome under wraps. He's the one who chirps irritably, "If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, don't. But let's not pretend we can talk it into submission."

Pretend, pretend. Who knows when pretense will grow a pair of balls? I don't.


  1. Does not apply... copout or correction? Synthesize and report, or explore and experience? Suddenly wondering how one juggles Buddhism and journalism.

  2. Charlie -- I sometimes wondered too ... Buddhism, journalism/writing, how to juggle them. I used to think they were pretty far apart until I got it through my head that the written word, like the life lived, is tentative and nothing to worry about too much. If we can get a smile out of either, I imagine it's as good a deal as we're going to get.

  3. I imagine the inept juggler is more fun to watch. But so is falling down, and seeing someone help someone get up, is pure joy.
