A study suggests that the super-rich have at least $21 trillion socked away in various tax havens. The amount is equivalent to the size of the American and Japanese economies combined.
The amount is so massive that being down-and-out jealous of it or dejected about it or outraged by it seems superfluous.
The mind of the money-inclined is sometimes just flabbergasting.
Today it was reported that the Walton family/heirs now collectively hold more wealth than the poorest 40% of Americans combined. This is an increase in lopsidedness from 5 years ago, when the Waltons, et al, were wealthier than merely the bottom 30% of Americans. (In light of the recent request to refrain from posting links here, I'll add that the story is easily verified by googling the string "Walton bottom 40% US".)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: I don't mind if people post supporting links. But I do receive oleaginous email purporting to like/admire/agree with the topic where the sole purpose is to insert a link to Fuller Brushes or some other agenda.