Saturday, September 15, 2012

Angus lifts 500 pounds

Today my son lifted 500 pounds. How anyone does that beats the socks off me. I'm still busy trying to carry the groceries.



  1. Excellent. As a 41 year old weightlifter, I am impressed! I can't do that. :-)

    Oh, and a PSA for you:

  2. Thanks Al. I'm such a computer doofus that it was all I could do to get ANYTHING on YouTube. I'm not sure what a PSA is, but I was duly chastened by the riff on Vertical Video Syndrome.

  3. "Public Service Announcement."

    That said, at my hackerspace full of geeks, we have people do this all the time (which is why the joke PSA was made by those folks) so it isn't limited to non-geeks as such. Everyone does this!
