Monday, October 1, 2012

the price of income disparity

The well-heeled, of course, are not amused by diatribes against income disparity. They become even more enraged at any potential legislation (a tax increase for example) that might siphon off any of what they worked (or imagine they worked) so hard to achieve: "I've got mine. If you want something similar, go out and work for it. We are not socialists, after all."

Myopia is understandable when things are close to home, when they're in your backyard, so to speak. But you might think that with what are often degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Stanford, the anointed might consider the threat that income disparity poses in a great industrial country like China, where an aging and increasingly impoverished segment of the population threatens the stability of the whole... and thereby the well-heeled.

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