The littlest ones, the ones slower and younger and weaker, always bring up the rear.
"Wait for me!" they call out to older and more competent companions -- their brothers and sisters who seem so impossibly big and knowledgeable and assured.
"Wait for me!"
I too want to be happy and fleet and strong.
"Wait for me!"
I too want to be perfect and whole and relaxed.
"Wait for me!"
I can see you up ahead or hear you around some nearby corner or imagine the likely places you might be... places I too want to be.
"Wait for me!"
Have you no pity, no kindness? I am little and weak and slow. I am trying my best and yet always I am in the rear, trying to join your perfectly coherent band, to burn as bright or smell as sweet.
I never quite catch up, never quite make it, never quite attain, never quite ascend ... never become enfolded in some envisioned certainty ...
Until one day, quite by chance, I hear the voice behind me calling ...
"Wait for me!"
This sings it: