Sunday, November 6, 2016

"gun!" ... not

At least The Guardian managed to talk with the man who brandished an anti-Trump sign at a rally in Reno and got the shit kicked out of him after someone yelled "gun!" Thirty-three-year-old Austyn Crites sounds like someone who thinks he still lives in a democracy.

It is hard not to wonder whether Trump jumped on the chance to create a furor and be hustled from a stage he very shortly returned to. The Republican presidential candidate has been claiming the upcoming election is "rigged" and perhaps he saw a chance to prove himself right.

Too bad a voice like Crites' didn't enter the presidential race earlier: He might have made a good candidate, although, given the competition, that wouldn't be hard.


  1. He might have held up a sign saying "EVOLVE" to the same effect and purpose.

  2. Next Hillary is cleared from her emails.
