Monday, July 31, 2017

The Observer assesses Trump

The sense of things falling apart in Washington is palpable – and a matter of growing, serious international concern....
So begins The [British] Observer's lengthy assessment of Donald Trump. According to the copy printed in The Guardian web site, the opinion was first published Saturday. I didn't see it until today, Monday. As expected, from where I sit, it is a decorous compendium of Trump's asinine behavior -- unrumpled as an English butler and yet bristling with the desire to push the son-of-a-bitch down a long flight of indecorous stairs. The Brits have the stairs, but their sense of smooth requires them to hope the colonials may stir their stumps and do the pushing.

Or maybe that's just my wet dream machine in action. The piece seems to wrap up a lot of the Trump odyssey to date and lord knows I haven't got the energy to collect and collate. So I fall back on someone else's efforts. And The Observer's observations are ....

Well, as we used to say in the third grade, "Smooth as whale shit!"
 PS. The UK’s “mindfulness mega-trend” shows no sign of running out of breath, with sales of “mind, body, spirit” books booming, against a background of slowing sales elsewhere on the shelves.


  1. So many are astonished. And yet so many stand by him.

  2. Back in June The NY Times printed Trump's lies up to the day of printing.

    NY Times's List of Trump's Lies as of June 24, 2017

  3. Trump plays the "sincere" card, however crudely, throwing political correctness aside to harness popularity from an already long-lived and generalised feeling of discontent, stemming from the perception of being constantly and consistently deceived by the established order, with its allied media and globalised government methodology that mostly places world economic affairs way too far on top of individual and even national needs - health, education, jobs and on a farther line the environment. Still, with all the focus on economics, the establishment has offered no durable solution to the growing economic struggles of the low and middle-class individual...

    Trump is the nasty manifestation of the sentiment of "having enough", when we humans may end up doing silly and wild attempts (like voting in Trump) to break the repetitive cycle. It's like saying that "I rather have a honest brute by my side, than someone smooth and sophisticated that hides and decides behind closed doors, leaving me behind and in the dark".

    People are tired of feeling deceived and left behind. That's what got him the presidential seat and that sentiment hasn't changed, so it's hardly surprising a lot of people still stand by him. He may not be 'that' honest or even offer real solutions, but he continues to stand on the idea of being honest and real, promising change as a consequence of that.

    The colonials may even push Trump down the British steps, but the feeling won't go away that easily.

    I'm not American or live in the US, so maybe I'm talking BS, but that's the impression I get...

  4. Watched CNN for a few hours today during lunch then for a while doing some menial tasks.

    One of the key themes was Trump's "near" patholical lying. The lying seems to be to foster Trump's sense of self. When he was a boy he tried to get his coach say he hit a ball out of the park when he just screwed up like anyone else could have.

    He lied about his inauguration crowd numbers and had Sean Spicer do the same.

    More recently he's been involved in spinning lies regarding the Russians.

    It was all funny when he said the Mexican president called to support him. The easy verification call by the media prov.ed that false.

    The really pathetic lie Trump told was that the head of the Boy Scouts called to congratulate him on his speech. The press call to the Scouts said no one called Trump to praised his speech at the Jamboree.

    And the cries for impeachment are not taken seriously because?

    Then there's Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.
