Monday, February 5, 2018

federal promises unkept

Promises unkept top the agenda, it seems:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The era of trillion-dollar budget deficits is about to make a comeback — and a brewing budget deal could mean their return comes just next year.
Talks on a budget-busting spending pact that would give whopping increases to both the Pentagon and domestic programs have been inching closer to an agreement, aides and lawmakers said.
GOP defense hawks are prevailing over the party’s depleted ranks of deficit hawks while Democrats leverage their influence to increase spending for domestic priorities such as combating opioid misuse.
Details are closely held and subject to change. But at issue is a two-year deal to increase crunching caps on spending set by a failed 2011 budget deal. Republicans have pushed for defense increases in the neighborhood of $80 billion a year and have offered Democrats nearly as much — $60 billion or so per year — for nondefense programs.


  1. The banks finance republican campaigns because it always results in tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending. This means the government borrows from banks and pays whopping interest payments every month. The banks just reached into the taxpayers pocket again. Too big to fail, and too big to stop.

  2. I think olcharlie nailed it.

    Also, it should be apparent that we have different flavors of Republican. None of them taste good.
