Tuesday, November 20, 2018

merry Christmas from Donald Trump

Passed along in email:


  1. Republicans proposed building a fence back in 2006. Democrats supported the Fence Act, including Hillary and Obama, under whose presidency the building of the fence continued. Now Trump wants to turn the fence into a wall and Democrats argue it's a horrible and cruel thing. Maybe when Democrats return to power they can ask artists from all over the world to paint some nice graffiti, to make it more 'humane'. Then Republicans will come back arguing graffiti is not art and give it a nice clean whitewash.

    1. "If you're gonna do it, do it right".

  2. Song needs updating.

    Some Suggested lines:
    Colluding with the Russians
    Making Money Through Emoluments
    Tweeting Insane Tweets.
    Caging Immigrant Children.
    Approving Saudi Assassination
    All to make Him Richer and America a Disgraced Nation

    1. As the pre-impeachment ruling party left-wing candidate in Brazil Haddad lost the elections to hard-right Bolsonaro, he said "There is a difference between Hitler and Stalin that needs to be properly recorded. Both shot their enemies, but Stalin read the books before shooting them. That's the big difference. We are living, therefore, a small involution, we are coming out of a Stalinist situation and now adopting a more fascist stance." That pretty much says it all...

    2. Either way, the books get shot.

  3. As a footnote, both candidates have published photo opportunities taken in Masonic lodges. There was a time when I believed Freemasons held human rights as fundamental values. These days I get the sense that "fundamental" is just a matter of semantycs... unfortunately. Or maybe being "human" is not really a matter of science and biology, as I was once taught in primary school.
