Wednesday, September 15, 2010

down time

Hospital for a couple of days.

Be well, all.


  1. Same for you Adam,
    Take care of yourself,

  2. well wishes Adam. Looking forward to future posts.

  3. My heart doctor has scheduled me for a stress test next week, but having caught the mother of all colds, will probably have to reschedule it. A cold isn't serious, but it's a shoot me in the head misery that can trigger a number of paranoid fantasies.

    I don't know how universal it is, but I've come to see each day as a step closer to death. And I've come to see it as shedding a lot of chores. Somebody else will tend the stock, cut the wood, etc. Readiness is everything I guess. And each day brings a greater willingness to let someone else do it.

    I know I'll take what I get, but somehow a smile seems more possible now. But if you die before me, I'm gonna be pissed.

  4. Get better soon, olcharlie.


  5. "But if you die before me, I'm gonna be pissed."

    A lively attitude -- I like it!
