Saturday, March 10, 2012

Frances Crowe

With Frances Crowe 3/10/12
Frances Crowe, who turns 93 on March 15, consented to having her picture taken with me on the peace picket line today so that I could send it along to my stepmother, who turned 89 on Feb. 29. Makes me feel like a puppy, having turned a mere 72 on March 9.

We're all, I imagine, members of that inexorable club whose motto is, "I won't mention your wrinkles if you won't mention mine."

The thumb-sized Crowe, besides being a friend of my step-mother's, is a long- long- long- long-time peace activist. Cheerful as a kitten and tough as rhino hide. A good woman to whom many owe their thanks ... whether they know it or not.


  1. Thats a realy nice picture of you , and she has a lovley smile :) Your birthday ..the 9th of march , also marked my 6 months without a cigerette anivery day :) Anita

  2. Nice to see people smiling Adam and a belated Happy Birthday to you.

  3. Thanks, and Happy Birthdaz also, Adam.
