For any who might be interested, I am grateful to those who take the time to comment on this blog in pretty much any fashion they choose.
However, I do delete without reading all comments that contain links using words like "visit my web site" or "see my web page."
I find such additions inconsiderate ... although I guess I don't expect the people who use such tactics understand words like "inconsiderate."
Just a heads-up.
Never7 ever7 visit7 a7 web7 page7 or7 even7 a7 u-tube7 link7 another7 person7 sends7 you7 have7 them7 tell7 you7 what7 it7 is then7 look7 up7 the7 page7 and7 go7 visit7 it7 yourself7 or7 you7 will7 get7 infected7 with7 a7 bug7 and7 end7 up7 always7 writing7 with7's77 and7 if7 you7 ever7 do7 accidentally7 click7 on7 a7 link7 so-meone7 sends7 run7 spybot7 search7 and7 destroy7 right7 away.7 Forget7 your7 virus7 ware7 -most7 don't7 catch7 the7 viruses7 .7 Have7 a7 great7 day7 and7 please7 forgive7 the7 7 's7 ,7 I7 try7 n'7 think7 of7 the-m7 as7 a7 gift7 fro-m7 the7 "others"77 or7 the7 coffee7 god7 ...Anita