Saturday, August 11, 2018

the whores of more

Not quite sure what it's about but....

Behold the four distinguished Saracens
Seated upon their well-groomed mounts
Waiting as the scabbards of their scimitars
Twinkle in the desert sun.

Such well-dressed men deserve their time
In the sunshine where their peckish mounts
Send tufts of dust from off
Their shifting, potent hoofs.

"Saracens" is a white man's word
And there the white be as well
Adorned and ready for the fight
That will accomplish something noble.

"White" is a white man's word
But well-dressed white men demand
Their sparkling times as well.
And why not ...?

Why must blood flow from this encounter?
Well-dressed men, arrayed and waiting
Knowing a fight must come and yet
Neither bothering much with the redness of their blood....

The whores of "more" wait in the dusty street,
Well accoutered and fit they are
Was it ever different for those bearing the banner
Of the whores of "more?"

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Saracens, greed, corruption, fomenting hatred, raping the earth and violating the Constitution:

    “Thanks to Saudis, revenue for Trump’s New York hotel goes up after years of decline.”

    - A Discontented Puerto Rican
