Sunday, November 3, 2013

the answers of analysis

Analyze humor.
Analyze love.
Analyze sorrow or joy.

And now, praise be to God, analyze the wagging of a dog's tail!

I don't know about anyone else, but my life is, at last, complete!

Is anyone out there selling a $400 toilet seat? I'm obviously in the market.


  1. You've become so antiscience! Watchin' way too much FOXNEWS?

  2. Bobby -- I am 100% for honest, scientific examination ... the kind that doesn't stop with "answers."

  3. "I am 100% for honest, scientific examination ... the kind that doesn't stop with 'answers.'"

    What does this mean? You want the researcher's notebooks, spreadsheets and databases? Rough drafts? Speculations? Or do you want the scientists to bare their souls for your amusement?

    The BBC article seemed to be a straight forward reporting of some research into "how dogs communicate." Sure it's not sexy research, it may not be life saving work, but does everyone need to do such "important" work? Further, the article didn't seem say the research entered the realm of airie-faerie. So what's the problem?

    BTW -- There's nothing wrong in trying to analyze humor or love or sorrow or joy. If the sutras are reliable Shakyamuni and / or his earliest companions and followers believed very much in following emotions. I am sure that impermanence was not their only they learned. No personal notebooks, no startisical analysis, and no popularizing best sellers (for a few centuries anyway).

    And the toilet seat issue where's that comming from? The issue was supposedly originally from the Project On Government Oversight from the 1980's. BTW It was a $400 hammer and a $600 toilet seat. There were many explanations, some reasonable some ridiculous, there was supposed to be some reforms made. But this was to be expected: Eisenhower warned the country about the problems (i.e. greed and fraud) coming from the then ~15 year old military industrial complex. Watch

  4. Bobby -- Thanks for the correction on the price of the toilet seat and hammer.

    As to the rest, I guess I'm just a stick in the mud -- hung up on the old bumper sticker that read, "Don't believe everything you think." Nothing wrong with thinking ... until you start believing it.

  5. gracias por el post movil y la discusion
