Especially for those inclined to wield the sword of "honor" ... well I think it would be the honorable thing to think it over.
"Honor," says an Internet dictionary, is partly defined as:
the respect that people have for someone who achieves something great, who is very powerful, or who behaves in a way that is morally rightIf there were ever a more open-to-interpretation definition than that, I'm not sure I have heard it.
And yet there are those whose sense of honor is set in stone, the kind of stone that allows others to suffer on behalf of their honor.

Is it honorable to shove honor down someone's throat? Is honor based on agreement with others? Is it honor to claim certain deeds are honorable simply because someone else says they are honorable? Is social or cultural bias the same as honor and if so, how honorable is that? Do the honorable speak of honor or is that an activity better reserved to the dishonorable?
Just wondering.
Honour? Total hypocrisy in this case.
ReplyDeleteThe father is a drinker/party animal that went to discos etc. and embraced the cultute he executed his daughter for liking.
Typical of many Asian men that abuse,rape and sodomise their children on a regular basis then dictate their behaviour and who they can speak to ........
Sad world really ..........
Adrian in the UK.