Friday, May 1, 2020

bees hit by virus

And now a bee virus?

A viral disease that causes honey bees to suffer severe trembling, flightlessness and death within a week is spreading exponentially in Britain.
Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) was only recorded in Lincolnshire in 2007. A decade later, it was found in 39 of 47 English counties and six of eight Welsh counties, according to data collected from visits to more than 24,000 beekeepers.


  1. Seems that the science of Bee Husbandry needs work as does the discipline involved in keeping bees healthy.



    Former President Barack Obama created the Pollinator Health Task Force in 2014 to investigate the issue of bee and other pollinator losses, such as with birds, bats and butterflies.

    The United States has also banned certain pesticides that have been linked to honeybee deaths, following the steps of the E.U., who banned an entire class of pesticides, neonicotinoids, in 2013.

    I wonder if this program was tossed out by the Trump administration along with the Intelligence Briefs, Pandemic Plans, and, now, the CDC itself.

  2. Saw an article today 5/4/20 in an Atlantic Magazine email that linked to a NY Times article dated 5/2/20.
    Evidently in addition to the CBP Virus and other problems bees and their keepers are facing now theres a problem with a vicious strain of Hornets. Yeesh!

    1. An addendum on the Murderous Hornets:
