Monday, April 2, 2012

what is it that pisses zombies off?

Except for the fact that it is scary and 'scary' is somehow fun, I can't quite get the premise of a TV serial called "The Walking Dead." I only see snippets as I switch channels, but the series seems to be premised on a lot of make-up and some notion that zombies are on the loose and those who are living need to defend themselves.

Zombies seem to be driven -- angry as hell about the fact that others are alive -- to kill off the living. Why they should be so pissed off, I'm not quite sure. Do they simply want more company? They certainly seem to have a lot of company already, if the show's premise and depiction are reasonable within the given story line. So what has these dead people who are alive so pissed off? Boredom? Jealousy? A need to succeed at others' expense? The desire for a good meal?

What is it that pisses zombies off?

I like stories that are consistent within their own frameworks, but I'm damned if I can find the consistency within this (some would say deliciously) scary adventure.

I would be delighted if some zombie could enlighten me.


  1. Extreme grasping in the form of ravenous hunger is the common understanding. But there was one zombie movie in which they especially wanted to eat brains, which reminded me of Kornbluth's story The Marching Morons. But such an analogy, though tasty, is somewhat divisive.

  2. Vampirism I can understand, Bram Stoker was writing from a position of keen observer to a repressed Irish (Catholic church) and British (Victorian mores)and his story is replete with tongue in cheek comments and scenarios reflecting same. As he saw it Vampirism was a form of unique liberation like you for the life of me I can't figure out those Zombies are so peed off about. Lack of sleep?, poor skin condition? beats me!

  3. Thx for le chuckles
