Decline in rooster fertility has not yet inspired the makers of chicken Viagra that I know of, but the problem is probably not one that consumers are likely to be happy about.
In our own flock, we've designated the brahma's for the stew pot without promoting the line. Going back to the tried and true rhode island reds from a hatchery we trust. They're coming along nicely. But the article you present started me investigating some things, and the rhode island rooster, a strong bird with a lot of attitude that's hard on predators, crossed with the barred plymouth rock hen might be a good way to go. We'll be considering that.
In our own flock, we've designated the brahma's for the stew pot without promoting the line. Going back to the tried and true rhode island reds from a hatchery we trust. They're coming along nicely. But the article you present started me investigating some things, and the rhode island rooster, a strong bird with a lot of attitude that's hard on predators, crossed with the barred plymouth rock hen might be a good way to go. We'll be considering that.