Simultaneously, Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown declared an emergency along the Californian/Oregon border in the face of wildfires... coupled with on-going drought. The apocalypse Christians must be dancing a jig ... but that doesn't improve anything.Water emergencies and the Ivy-League pundits and pedagogues cannot figure out what is important?! Let's pick sides, have a war, kill kids and see if that takes people's minds off thirst.
It is hard to care or be convinced by much of anything when physical ailment comes calling. The problem is that physical ailment, like the caterwauling of lonliness is pretty boring after a while. I mean, I'm interesting, of course, and profound and wise and hoary and whatever all else ... but, shit, tell me something interesting; tell me something without pretense and guile and improvement. Tell me a good dirty joke. I've heard the heart-felt pedagogy and can deliver it, but isn't life more interesting than the improvements people (me too) insist on slapping on it?
Oh well, just bobbing to the surface.
Oh, your dating my ex girlfriend.....I thought the five second rule was for food only!