Funny how difficulties, after all the sturm und drang, seem to boil down to one thing -- the whole problem summarized and completed in a single word or idea.
Not that the sturm und drang can't be compelling and long-winded, but, when pushed to its limits, the situation gets very simple, somehow.
I think the same circumstances apply to individuals as well ... a problem that may be far-reaching and complex and compelling and, when pushed to the extremes of examination, a single adamantine word or phrase will rise to the surface like chicken fat in a soup pot ... floating, gloating, and clear as a bell: Solve this one, single issue and the entire matter will be resolved.
There's no skipping the sturm und drang, no way of hastening to a single key question or statement ... but it's funny how that's the way things seem to end up.
Associatively, for some reason, this brings to mind a joke about a little bird flying around and around a mountain peak in ever diminishing circles until, in the end, s/he flies up her own asshole and disappears.
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