Sunday, April 6, 2014

Peter Matthiessen dies

Passed along in email today was the obituary of Peter Matthiessen, a man I knew in passing along the Zen circuit and a prolific author.

It was of Matthiessen that Kurt Vonnegut once said, when describing to me a wedding at which Matthiessen officiated, "It was the only wedding I've ever been to where the minister was prettier than the bride."

1 comment:

  1. We have a subscription to the New York Times and get the bulk of the Sunday Times on Saturday morning. The New York Times magazine section in included in the Saturday delivery. My read the magazine section and told me there was a story about Peter Matthiessen in it.


    When rest of the Sunday paper arrived there was a front page article below the fold stating that Matthuessen has passed away on Saturday. (Same article that was linked to in the obituary mentioned in the post.)
