Saturday, July 4, 2015


Passed along in email, perhaps as a footnote to today's Independence Day in the U.S.


  1. Adam, I needed to talk, whether to myself or simply to somebody because I really am very tired amidst a varied solitude today, then again I don't want to have to record a Youtube video or create a new operating system just to share.

    I learned amongst my brief zazen today, that I live in a country that has the 3rd lowest homicide rates in the entire world, there are only 0.2 homicides per 100,000 Singaporeans, also the lowest in the entire Asia followed by Japan next. The United States is at position 108th with 4.7 per 100,000 Americans. Part of the reason why homicides are that low imho, is because all Singaporeans are forbidden from gun trade or ownership. Ironically we depend on the USA and UK till today whether in part or in full for our security.

    I don't want to ask Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for a girlfriend because amidst all liberty, pornography is hardly regulated in Singapore. If I will ask Avalokitesvara for a girlfriend, I will more likely ask Avalokitesvara for a sustainable monogamous marital model instead. I have gone through as best as I could where virginity and celibacy can be maintained. If I did succeed in maintaining virginity and celibacy, I have little clue how to celebrate such a success, yet I vaguely recall the effort and / or suffering in doing so as a heterosexual advocate.

    <3 Adam, love one self and let the world love itself.

  2. Nationalism is apes roaring and waiving their arms in threatening gestures.
