Or, more bluntly, the greater the number of people you put together, the dumber they get. The observation, if nothing else, is a challenge to the adoration of democracy.
Is the statement just a flick of the verbal lace handkerchief from an uppity Frenchman or is it an observation that holds water?
Today, in The Guardian, a longish piece suggests that scientists -- those vaunted critters given to a reputation for carefully and factually-based research -- are every bit as capable of group stupidity as the drunks in the nose-bleed section of a baseball park:
In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?
In the latter half of my lifetime the worlds population has doubled. And i confidently observe that we've become twice and dumb.