Saturday, November 10, 2012

sympathy card

Received this sympathy card in email...



  1. It's funny until you start looking at the actual impact of Obamacare in terms of doctor attrition, refusal to accept Medicare patients (due to poor reimbursement), individual premium increases, tax impact, etc. Here is a Forbes series projecting the impact in a number of states. The complete series includes Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, New Hampshire, Nevada, Minnesota, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Michigan:

  2. Obamacare is a plan to help the poor buy medical insurance. Most doctors already refuse to accept medicare. This affects the elderly and poor unaffected by Obamacare and makes one wonder what Hypocrates would say. It also throws the elderly and poor into the hospital clinics which of course raises the costs of health care. The Canadian solution was to only have the single payer plan leaving the doctors no option. Perhaps the useless doctors who only went to medical school to make money will find another line of work, leaving those interested in helping people to do so. But Obama couldn't pass the single payer option because the insurance companies who are essentially the same wall street players as the banks own the government and refuse to surrender such lucrative income. Oh well.
