Thursday, November 14, 2013

indigenous games

A member of a Brazilian indigenous ethnic group competes in the spear throwing competition during the XII Games of the Indigenous People in Cuiaba November 11, 2013.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker

Members of the Brazilian Assurini indigenous ethnic group compete in a tug-of-war competition during the XII Games of the Indigenous People, in Cuiaba November 12, 2013.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker
Indigenous people compete in the bow-and-arrow competition at the XII Games of the Indigenous People in Cuiaba November 10, 2013.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker
Brazilian indigenous people use computers inside a tent during the XII Games of the Indigenous People in Cuiaba November 13, 2013.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker
Brazilian indigenous people attend the opening ceremony of the XII Games of the Indigenous People in Cuiaba November 9, 2013.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker



    Greetings Mr. Adam, above is a vĂ­deo of the Kuarup, a celebration and honor to those already gone, it is realized annually in the high Xingu amerindian villages, is quite a beautiful celebration.

    from your eventual reader K.P. Bara

  2. It's a pleasure to learn things about which I know absolutely nothing. Thanks K.P. Bara.

  3. you're welcome, Mr. Adam, i enjoy very much what you post and we have a friend in common, Olcharlie, a very dear friend.

    K.P. Bara aka Marcelo R. Job

  4. Marcelo -- Always nice to see how the circles complete themselves.
