Deep Zazen at "Hidden Zendo"
November 8th to 14th, 2013
By Zensho Martin Hara
Autumn, deep in the wooded region of New York, Sangha members gathered
together from distant lands to honor the memory of Soyen Shaku Roshi
with a five day Sesshin at the lovely “hidden” Zendo. It was the
second Sesshin this year organized by the Rinzai Zen Sangha with the
guidance of its honored teacher and guest, Eido Shimano Roshi, to
preside over this traditional Sesshin.
Sangha attending was a wide variety of advanced students who have
honored their Zen practice with Eido Roshi as their teacher for many
years. Nothing could be better for them than to do Zazen in Sesshin with
their beloved teacher Eido Roshi in a peaceful country setting in the
middle of no where.

As Sesshin began, all of the Sangha became quickly aligned with the True Dharma that brought them all together. The Zazen was deep and the Sangha became ever more mindful of their presence to the Dharma as each day passed.
On the first day, Zenrin Robert Lewis was given Dharma Transmission, through a special ceremony conducted by Eido Roshi. Zenrin was bestowed the title of Roshi and was given the name Sōryū-Kutsu which translates as “Blue Dragon Cave”. The name was taken from the Blue Cliff Records “For over 20 years, I have had fierce struggles, descending into the blue dragon’s cave for you!”

OK, I have taken three deep breaths. I have tried to remain calm and understanding. I have tried to shape into some coherent form whatever it is I have to say about the blog post above. Honestly, I have tried.
But the fact is that I have failed. So many buzzers are pressed simultaneously that I hardly know where to begin. But I am posting the blog post because ... because ... because it simply astounds me... astounds me in the same way, only worse, that I was astounded when a philosophy-teacher friend showed me one of the answers she received on a quiz she gave. The answer began, "In the 16th century, the Christian philosopher Socrates...."
I suppose I wouldn't be astounded if I didn't think Zen Buddhism, as a practice, was capable of bringing something good to the people who practice it. That is my bias and I concede it. That said, I also think that there is no good thing that cannot be corrupted in subtle or gross ways and turned into self-serving and often cruel pablum ... Osama bin Laden or Jim Jones come to mind.
1. "Transmission" in Zen Buddhism is not something I care for much. Others do, but I don't. As observers like Stuart Lachs have amply pointed out, the links from one Buddhist teacher to the next are, at the very least, suspect. Teachers will include on their curriculum vitae that they have studied with one accredited teacher or another and thus proclaim -- either by implication or bald statement -- their own bona fides. OK, knock yourself out. Some people credit this system.
But the lineage linkage rests on the notion that the one approving transmission has likewise been imbued with the credible capacity to create the next link in the chain. And if that capacity is missing or damaged or corrupted, then the quality ascribed to lineage falters. If anyone could anoint anyone else, well, we'd all be generals.
Eido Tai Shimano is a man whose lineage is not attested to in the annals of the Japanese Zen Buddhism that spawned him. Yes, there was a ceremony ... but his capacity is not attested to in the monastic record that attests to his teacher or others in the Zen Buddhist flock. Organizationally, then, Eido Shimano's bestowing of transmission on Zenrin Robert Lewis is a bit like your child telling you that you are "the best mom/dad in the world." It may sound nice, but, as I say, if anyone can anoint anyone else, we'd all be generals.
2. Eido Shimano's credibility as anything resembling a Zen "master" or "teacher" has been severely taxed by, among other things, the compilation known as the Shimano Archive. He was effectively fired as abbot of the centers -- Shobo Ji and Kongo Ji -- he once oversaw. His sociopathic ways have been put on display in ways that make it difficult for anyone outside the most pathologically indentured to credit, let alone elevate, his status and capacity. During his time of ascendancy, he created five "Dharma heirs," some of whom continue to teach under (gently camouflaged) color of his transmission. And now, with the spotlight dimmed and the power all but extinguished, he creates another Dharma heir, a man who has stuck with his teacher through thick and increasingly toxic thin. "You see," he seems to say, "I've still got what it takes. I'm still in the catbird seat."
3. And Shimano's brand of teaching fairly leaps off the page of the blog post. It is a brand that is hardly limited to his self-serving encouragements, but it does boggle the mind of anyone who may be serious about Zen practice. Fawning, lick-spittle wonder; oozing references to some corrupting "compassion;" reliance on some other, more clear-eyed visionary who can see into the "profound" and is generous enough to share his vision; pretending to care but in reality demanding a blind and blinded obedience ... Osama bin Laden and Jim Jones come to mind.
4. I have faith that Zen will always right its own foundering ship. I have faith that water can purify water. But that doesn't mean I will go quietly where mud is needlessly flung into the mix. I detest it. Sometimes I wonder if the Japanese Buddhist establishment didn't send its bad apples to America as a punishment for their own losing of World War II. It's a silly thought ... but I've had it.
And sounding off puts me in the unenviable position of being thought a know-it-all. Who died and left you king of the hill, Adam? It's a reasonable question and one I can't adequately parry. But I can claim the right to my opinion -- my own, fiery, throw-up-on-the-floor reaction to matters that astound me and make me sick. What a deep, deep mistake!
And, when it comes to the blog post above, what a bunch of sorrowing, sorrowful .... well, take a look.
It sounds like they had a nice time LARPING
ReplyDeleteZenrin is a violent lunatic who has physically assaulted women at Dai Bosatsu. Putting this man in a position of authority is a sick, misguided effort on Shimano's part.... SHAME!
ReplyDeleteDid Zenrin really do that or was it just Eido? Look I say that because I know him now. He doesn't seem like that kind of person (but I could be wrong...)
DeleteAs a child of the "Protest Generation", it took me a long time to realize that I am not here to change to world, but rather to be changed by my experience of it. Having recognized what it is truly about, I can adjust my behavior accordingly and create the circumstances to move beyond it. Of course, along the way, we can point out the dead ends of greed, envy, hatred, judgmentalism, arrogance, and ignorance to those who may have eyes to notice, and so serve a compassionate function. Nevertheless, unless we want to return again and again to the same sand box, our task is to learn and let go, rather than harboring anger over the apparent stupidity and evil that dominate this stage (imo). Whatever we fixate on holds us back, and that includes our so-called spiritual strategies, methods, and ideals. Burn it all up! There will always be creeps like Shimano prowling this low level war planet, because that is the kind of place this is, dominated as it is by the dark influences that make samsara samsara. We can rail against it, get caught in the trap of our own sense of outrage, or wise up and move on.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the price of admission to these gatherings?
ReplyDeleteYour rational mind....
ReplyDeleteand $US 675.
ReplyDeleteRecently posted to the Shimano Archive (, this series of relevant remarks:
ReplyDeleteSubject: Shimano and DBZ
Date: November 26, 2013 10:29:09 AM EST
To: kobutsu.malone
I'm a Zen student observing the Shimano train-wreck with appalled fascination.
I think that DBZ need to have their feet held to the fire about their current relationship with Shimano.
For instance Robert Lewis has just been made "Roshi" by Shimano. On looking at the Jacksonville Zen center web site, Jacksonville (where Lewis is the teacher) claim to be affiliated with DBZ. Is this OK with DBZ and Shinge?
If so, they are obviously comfortable with Shimano continuing to
practice and give out "transmission".
There's only so much the wider Zen community can do, but there is no doubt that Shimano's behavior has done immense damage not just to DBZ or to Rinzai Zen, but to the whole Buddhist Sangha, especially in North America.
Nick Patterson
Could be Shimano's hoping that Zenrin will be his back door back into Zen Studies. Especially if Shinge wises up and pulls out of the whole Shimano train-wreck with it's financial troubles, multimillion dollar law suits, and, no doubt low respect, low attendence and low donor base.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that Zenrin's Jacksonville center has be just removed from the public AZTA database.
ReplyDeleteFrom the archive:
An Email From Genjo Marinello Roshi to the ZSS Board
November 26, 2013 10:56 AM
“I am uncomfortable that the Zen Studies Society is listing The Jacksonville Zen Sangha, that Eido Roshi’s newly transmitted Dharma Heir Zenrin Roshi runs, as a related Zen Center. It certainly gives the impression that ZSS is still intimately linked to Shimano's ongoing teaching efforts, even though ZSS has been clear for sometime that Eido Shimano is not welcome to teach on their own properties.”
“I believe ZSS now fully believes that Eido Shimano should not be encouraged to teach anywhere, then it seems reasonable that ZSS should drop its affiliated status with the Jacksonville Zen Sangha.”
It seems the zen community has no problem with excessive Drama Transmission.
ReplyDeleteSome of those posting here have not understood. Either there are dharma heirs of Shimano or there are none, so Marinello et al. are none, too. On the other hand, Soen giving transmission to Eido was witnessed, as you will also see in the Archives or somewhere else on the web. Well, if then Marinello et al. split from their predecessor, they themselves are indeed no dharma heirs anymore. So if you give anything about that, make it logic and consequent.
ReplyDelete"Japan sent us their bad apples", lol. That's pretty good. It does seem like that sometimes...that they sent us the bad apples who were to charismatic for them to simply supress. But, I'm afraid the answer is quite simply that the sort of behavior being railed against is, while not widespread, tolerated in Japanese zen. So, zen masters from Japan came over and some just acted as they normally would have.
ReplyDeleteThanks Adam Fisher for letting my read this post. It was interessting to read.