Wednesday, November 25, 2015

additional Eido Shimano tapes

Two additional recordings has been appended in the Shimano Archive to the two earlier-posted tapes of Eido Shimano's meeting on Nov. 21 at All Souls Unitarian Church Chapel, 1157 Lexington Ave., New York City. The following is a list of all four tapes:

PS. And here is a comment from Genjo Marinello on Facebook:
"I've just listened to the last two installments of the recording of this event (posted just above this comment) and feel disgusted. I heard not one woman speak that was directly used sexually by Eido Shimano, except for Shinge who spoke last. She assured us if we could all just be honest and come from our hearts we could all heal together. Of course she was hand picked to succeed Eido Shimano, and lied about her own affair with him for years, waiting for him to expose it at this event. I don't know, but it seems to me he threw her under the bus, as he has done to so many others. She asked the group if she should resign.
"Like - Reply - 42 mins"

1 comment:

  1. Ugh... too many people in a state of manurfactured, breathless adoration.
