Monday, November 2, 2015

God as a surprise

Have you ever noticed how surprising "God" is? By whatever name, under whatever rubric, there always seems to be an element of surprise. Maybe the surprise is expressed as joy, maybe as wonder, maybe as a blessing, but I have yet to read a text or tome in which the overarching premise or achievement or come-hither understanding is ... well ... pretty-much borrrrring.

It's sort of odd.

Yes, perhaps the individual's life is turned upside down and inside out in some blessed moment and perhaps that comes as a surprise. But when you think about it, with the overarching principle being exactly that -- overarching, edgeless, bereft of doubt, etc. -- how could it possibly come as a surprise? If it has always been everywhere, don't you think the surprise might be reserved for imagining it was or could be somehow missing?

If it does come as a surprise, isn't this an indicator that something is still missing, incomplete and in need of tweaking?

But since what is acclaimed is in no need of tweaking ....

It's sort of odd.


  1. Definitely an attribute of God's activity (whatever you perceive "God" to be) --- but not very many people actually recognize it, I think.

  2. Judith -- Are you saying "God" could be surprised?

  3. I fell for it once, but wont be fooled again.

  4. God does the surprising, of us.
    Very possibly the reverse is also true, however I've never thought about it before.

  5. Judith -- It sometimes surprises me how much others seem to know about the gods they credit and wonder what unimpeachable sources they might credit in that knowing.

    But that's just my ignorance showing.
